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Congregation Arzei Darom 


Women's Book Club - Dec 7



If you are interested in hosting, please contact Holly Ohren,


Memorial Plaques and Sefer Dedications

All the memorial lights on the Memorial Wall are kindled whenever Yizkor is recited, as well as for a week surrounding the yahrzeit.

To have your loved ones commemorated on the Memorial Wall on the north wall of the sanctuary, please complete this form.

If you wish to dedicate a Siddur, Chumash, or Machzor in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special occasion, birth, bar/bat mitzvah, marriage or just to honor someone special, please complete this form.



Rabbi Ciment's Weekly Shiurim


Everyone is invited to attend Rabbi Ciment's weekly shiurim in the sanctuary: 

  • Sunday morning Rambam shiur at 7:50 am
  • Shabbat morning parsha shiur with commentary from the Ramban at 8:30 am
  • Sifsei Chaiim (During daylight Saving Time): 15-20 minutes before Shabbat afternoon Mincha
  • Sifsei Chaiim (Standard time): after Friday night Ma'ariv
  • Weeknight Parsha Shiur via Zoom (WhatsApp 201-233-1683 for the time and link)


Youth Groups Relocation


Due to construction taking place in the shul, youth groups have relocated to the tent.

9:00am Kinder, Junior & Girls Davening will all start at the tent for group games, board games and snacks. 10:15am Children will be split to their age appropriate groups for davening and parsha.

10:15am Parent & Me will be relocated due to construction please inquire for details.

If you have any questions please reach out to the Youth Department. We look forward to seeing your children in our temporary new location!


Smichas Chaver Program at Keter Torah with Rabbi Ciment
Weekly Semichas Chaver Program for Men



Arzei Darom is a Modern Orthodox Synagogue
serving the South of Cedar Lane area in Teaneck, NJ.

Come check us out for our daily minyan or spend a Shabbat with us by emailing 

eNnouncements only via

Starting in 2022, all eNnouncments weekly messages and blasts will be going out only via

To join by using, you will have to sign up for a account if you do not have one already.


To remove yourself from YMLP, go to

Rabbi Ciment's Shiurim

Daf Hashavua: Daily at 6:10 am

Parsha shiur: Wed or Thu nights

Chumash Shiur, with commentary from the RamBAN: Shabbat 8:30 am

RamBam:  Sunday mornings at 7:50 am, in shul

Rabbi Ciment On-line on-Torah on YU
Audio from Rabbi Ciment's Yeshiva University shiurim are available online!

Lend A Hand WhatsApp Group

We have formed another WhatsApp group to allow members to help each other during this time: Arzei Darom Lend A Hand
Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785