Sponsored by: Miles & Valerie Levin
Kiddush Committee News
Kiddush Committee News
Sponsoring a Kiddush
For further information or to sponsor a Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit,
please contact Holly Weiss at kiddush@arzeidarom.org
NOTE: All vendors must have proper hechsher
Cold Kiddush - $150 - Includes cake, herring, crackers, pretzels, chips, grape juice, soda, and paper goods.
Hot Kiddush - $150 - Includes everything in a cold kiddush plus additional utensils and necessities needed for a hot kiddush. Food that is ordered is paid directly to the vendor by the kiddush sponsor.
Seudah Shlishit - $150 - Includes challah rolls, cake, crackers, pretzels, chips, soda, salads (e.g., potato, tuna fish, coleslaw), and paper goods.
Birthday / Anniversary Kiddush - $25 per name
To participate, please email all names along with the month of the birthday and/or anniversary to kiddush@arzeidarom.org. Payment will be billable at the time of the birthday or anniversary. The names of all participants will be included in the announcements on the Shabbat of the kiddush.
The Kiddush Shidduch will match members with other members that would like to sponsor a hot kiddush but shy away as the cost can run high. With this program, you just need to let us know when you would like to sponsor a kiddush and we'll make the match. The more matches we have in a month, the cheaper it will be to sponsor but we need your participation to make this work.
The Rosh Chodesh Crock-Pot Challenge does not come with a trophy but it does come with bragging rights as you will have the opportunity to prepare 3 crock-pots of your best cholent, your tastiest meat balls or whatever you would like to cook in the crock-pots that you feel others will like to eat. The challenge is that the Kiddush Committee will give you up to $75 to spend on the dish but will that be enough for you to shine? All members participating in this challenge must prepare their dishes in the shul kitchen and use ingredients that have a proper hechsher.
The Kiddush Cooperative is a group of families which sponsors eight Kiddushim a year. The cost is only $200 which breaks down to $25 per Kiddush. All members of the Kiddush Cooperative are recognized in the Shabbat announcements.
Sun, January 19 2025
19 Tevet 5785
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Today's Calendar
Rambam shiur : 7:50am |
Shacharit : 8:30am |
Mincha/Maariv : 3:45pm |
Plag : 3:57pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 4:45pm |
Shkia : 4:57pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 7 Cholent cook-off Friday, Feb 7 8:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vaera
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jan 24, 4:45pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Jan 25 |
For information
For information about our shul, email information@arzeidarom.org
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Where To Find Us
Congregation Arzei Darom
725 Queen Anne Road,
Teaneck, NJ 07666