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RH/YK Seat Reservations

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Seat Reservations 5785
As we begin our preparations for the Yomim Noraim, it is our pleasure to present the community with multiple options for davening with Arzei Darom on Rosh Hashanah (R'H Wednesday, October 2-4) and Yom Kippur (Y'K Shabbat, October 11-12) 5785.   We strongly encourage submission of reservations as early as possible online.

Please consider also a special chessed this year, to donate one or more seats for a flat rate of $100 per seat to community members in financial need.
There will be two minyan locations:
1) The main minyan will be held in the sanctuary. Shacharit will begin at 8:00 am on R'H and at 8:30 am on Y'K. Child care will be available.

2) A second minyan, location to be determined.  If the new Beit Midrash is ready, services will be located there, otherwise in the tent on the Grassy Knoll (721 Carroll Place).  Shacharit will begin at 8:00 am on R'H and at 8:30 am on Y'K. Child care will be available at the shul.

Click here to register your children for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur groups.

There will be no specific social distancing, and masks will be optional at both minyanim.  

The early bird pricing is the same as last year. On or after Thursday September 5, 2024 there will be a $35 surcharge per seat:

  Before Sept 5 On/After Sept 5

Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur:
Per seat for Full Members $150 $185
Per seat for Associate Members $175 $210
Per seat for non-members $200 $235
Rosh Hashanah Only:
Per seat for Full Members $100 $135
Per seat for Associate Members $120 $155
Per seat for non-members $135 $170
Yom Kippur Only:
Per seat for Full Members $100 $135
Per seat for Associate Members $120 $155
Per seat for non-members $135 $170

Both minyanim will be capped based on each location's capacity.  Reservations will be strictly on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS.  Shabbat October 5th will have an early and a regular minyanim. There will be no assigned seating for Shabbat services.

Please note, due to the shul's growth over the last several years, we are no longer able to accommodate seat requests for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.  In creating the seating charts, we do our best to take into consideration where our members usually sit during the year, but there are many other factors that we need to consider.  As we discovered in prior years, we just cannot satisfy everyone's seat requests, so it is no longer fair for us to accept any of them.  While this change will be difficult for many of our members, we hope that you will continue to choose to join us, because your presence makes our minyanim on the chagim special.    

Please email Jason Bernath at if you have any additional questions. 


Seat requests require payment at the time of reservation. 

Number of seats donated for those who cannot afford (for either gender)
Click here to reserve for R"H / Y"K youth groups

Please submit separate submissions for each unique seating request (e.g. My spouse is davening at the Knoll's, my mother is only coming for Y'K, and me and my kids will daven in the main sanctuary, requires 3 submissions) 

Seat requests require payment at the time of reservation. 

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784